An auto mechanic who became a doctor at the age of 51 proves that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true.
Carl Elemby is an emergency physician in Cleveland, but before he became a physician he repaired cars and ran his own business.

At the age of 38, Carl enrolled in college and earned a business degree. While studying there, in addition to having many business subjects, he also had to study biology, something that reminded him of a childhood dream he had for a long time – to become a doctor when he grows up.

Then he decided it was time for a change.
“College opened my eyes to the world around me and the different opportunities I had.” I graduated first and decided to take courses in medicine.”
“For five years or more, I attended weekend, evening or early morning medical classes while maintaining my business, lifestyle and household in order to make my career transition.”

“My exit from the business should not have been abrupt.” Too many people were counting on me and too many bills to be paid.”
“I’ve been working very hard to keep up. I think all my responsibilities have helped me focus on what needs to be done. It helped me to absorb a large amount of information that must be understood for success in medicine” – said the inspiring man.

At first, Carl didn’t think he could become a doctor at all, but one of his professors pointed out to him that not only was it possible, but that he had the potential to become a doctor.
“I thought I was too old and I didn’t think it was possible. He told me that I understood the information intuitively and that he didn’t see why I couldn’t be a doctor, that I definitely had what it took. It was an amazing moment to have a person who believed in me, who saw that I was capable of doing something that I didn’t even know I was capable of doing. That was the beginning of the medical career for me,” he said.

Carl graduated in medicine at the age of 47, and at the age of 51 he started working as a doctor.
“It’s amazing and phenomenal that I was able to make this transition later in life and live the dream I had as a child.”
“None of this would have happened if I hadn’t stopped putting limits on myself. You have to believe in yourself and you will be surprised by what you will achieve” – he said.